Wednesday, September 03, 2008

The Wednesday Roundup (formerly known as the incorrectly punctuated Wednesday Round-Up)

I must preface this by saying I do not have a crush on Allan's world and there is no sex scandal. They just post really great stuff. Yesterday included a review of Death Cab for Cutie guitarist and producer Chris Walla's album Field Manual released this February. While it didn't get the best rating I love all things DCFC. Check out Walla's voice and see if it sounds like anyone you know.

Over at Chewing Gum for the Ears is a great review on Bloc Party's new album. I know that I already wrote my own, but this review makes me envious. I wish The Captain had some of the writing talent displayed on this blog.

The Vault had a post covering the arrest of a blogger for steaming the Guns N' Roses album. This makes the Roundup with the line -

"Of more immediate concern to GNR fans -- who, amazingly enough, still exist -- is the loss of access to the only new music the band has produced in the past 15 years."

If you are interested in linking up please drop me a line at


Unknown said...

yea man, i linked up your site to mine.

Thanks for visiting dude.

Unknown said...

err from panic manual

The Captain said...

kazey - what is your web address?

The Captain said...

NM...I added you. Thanks, man!

Chris N said...

Thanks for the link, I like your Wednesday Roundup idea.